Managefy version 1.4.6

Philanthropy Policy

The overarching goal of e TecK’s Corporate Social Response (CSR) programme is to enable positive, meaningful change and ultimately, sustainable development in the many communities in which the company operates.


In the area of Corporate Philanthropy, e TecK gives consideration to requests for donations and sponsorships from Community-Based or Non-profit Organisations whose projects or programmes fall within the following thematic areas:

  1. Family Support and Development;
  2. Community governance and leadership development;
  3. Enterprise Development;
  4. Creation and maintenance of safe & friendly spaces;
  5. Community Innovation; and
  6. Environmental Conservation.

Corporate Philanthropy Checklist for guidelines


e TecK’s corporate philanthropy programme will not consider support for:

  • Organizations without legal registration as a charity or not-for-profit organization;
  • Organizations that deny or perceive to deny, service to a potential client or beneficiary on the basis of race, religion, political affiliation, age, nationality or disability
  • Recurrent operating expenses
  • Scholarships or fellowship assistance
  • Labour Unions and Fraternal Organisations
  • Political Campaigns
  • Religious Organisations
  • Programs/projects administered by activist groups
  • Private schools
  • One-off sports and athletic events
  • Fundraising tickets
  • Third parties raising funds for charity, intermediary funding agencies or foundations.

[1] Consideration will be given to secular community service programs operated by faith-based organisations, such as soup kitchens, shelters for the homeless, homes for children or battered women, after-school community programmes etc., once all other eligibility requirements are met.

[2] Except in cases where organisation expressly states in writing that over 70% of the proceeds would go towards an eligible programme

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