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e TecK participates in the Ministry of Agriculture’s Land Colloquium

The Land Management Division, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries held a two day Land Colloquium at e TecK’s Flagship Building located at Tamana InTech Park from Tuesday 14th to Wednesday 15th February 2017. This important event allowed all State Agencies that managed State Lands and other stakeholders an opportunity to have an input into the revision of the existing State Land Distribution Policy (dated 1992). A revision of the State’s land distribution policy is long overdue and there is an urgent need to develop and implement a contemporary policy that effectively addresses the current shortfalls in the management and distribution of State properties.

As a major developer and manager of the State’s real estate assets, e TecK was pleased to facilitate this Land Colloquium. The company’s participation presented a unique opportunity to highlight those issues which hinder the effective management of e TecK’s Business Parks as well as propose solutions to address these challenges. Some of the issues raised were the negative effects of squatting on lands adjacent to e TecK’s parks, how to obtain faster approvals from the various State Agencies, developing a computerised national land information system and a more effective and transparent way of distributing State lands among competing interests. This forum also provided a platform for understanding the core functions of other State Agencies involved in estate management and for making valuable contacts.

Hosting and participation in this Land Colloquium is in part fulfilling e TecK’s  strategic intent to forge a closer relationship with its stakeholders and to influence the modernisation of national real estate polices, systems and practices. In doing so, the company it is hoped that e TecK’s recommendations for a new national land policy would lead to an improved service to our tenants and lower development and administrative cost.

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