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Replacement of 50 Year Old Sewer Lines at Frederick Settlement Industrial Park

e TecK, through its Facilities and Maintenance Unit, completed a project which saw the replacement of old sewage lines (approximately 50 years old) in Frederick Settlement Industrial Park. This project was a collaborative one with the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA). The failure on the main sewer line at the Park was posing a health and safety concern for the Park’s tenants and visitors which mainly impacted the entrance of the park and its roadways.

With quick action, WASA replaced the sewer lines which involved excavating the trenches, placing new PVC Lines and reinstating the sub base and base course (crusher run) which began in March 2020 and was completed on April 06, 2020. The asphaltic layer (paving) was completed by e TecK on July 13, 2020 as only essential works were allowed during the Stay-at-Home Measures instituted by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in response to the pandemic.

e TecK thanks WASA for their seamless and speedy resolution to the issue which extended to traffic management during the ongoing works. A special thank you to our tenants for your patience and understanding during the period of inconvenience

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