At first glance, the question may appear as rhetoric, but the angel being referred to is not a being with a halo and wings. Instead, these angels are high net worth entrepreneurs who usually seek to invest their own funds in private companies, typically at the seed or early stages. . They want to be involved with start-ups without the sleepless nights of start-ups. Many serve as active advisors or mentors for entrepreneurs and provide additional relationships to aid the business' growth. Angel investors typically look for companies with strong growth potential, solid management teams and sufficient information about related markets so their value can be reasonably assessed. Angel investing helps fuel the economy and creates new jobs. In the US and other developed markets, it is the largest source of capital for early stage entrepreneurs, and it is the most likely source of seed and early stage capital. Google, Amazon, Apple and Starbucks are some of the most well-known companies to start with angel investment funding.