Managefy version 1.4.5
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Woodworking Company

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Lot 9
Debe Business Park

Mailing Address
#2 Southern Main Road, Duncan Village La Romain
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Auto repair shop

Business Phone Number
657-4175 / 684-3424 / 684-3500 / 684-3443
Business Address
Lot 10
Debe Business Park

Mailing Address
425 Papourie Road, Ragoo Village,
Diamond Debe
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Chemcontrol Ltd, active since 1992 is an integrated Chemical and Polymer Supplier

Business Phone Number
657-2000 / 657-3555
Business Address
Lot 6 & 7
Debe Business Park
Cocoyea Supermarket Limited
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Supermarket/Food retailer.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
#14 Naparima Mayaro Road, Cocoyea Village San Fernando
Business Genre
Business Address
Mailing Address
# 34 Charran Maharaj Trace

Business Address
Lot #1
Debe Business Park
Business Genre
Business Address
Lot# 2
e TecK Business Park
Kelton Pooran Manufacturers
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Kelton Pooran Manufacturers Ltd manufacture and supply steel windows for Abel Building Solutions.We also manufacture wheelbarrows, ridging, roof bolts, hold-down bolts, nipples, washers, hinges, sag rods, face basin brackets, piston hinges, shovels and spades.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Lot 8
Debe Business Park

Mailing Address
#44 Bay Road La Romain.
Business Genre
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Lots# D3 & D4
Debe Business Park
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Print shop.

Business Phone Number
657-8908 / 657-7781 / 652-0375
Business Address
Gulf View Industrial Park, La Romain (West)
Business Genre
Business Address
Lot 11
Debe Industrial Park

Mailing Address
1291 SS Erin Road