Managefy version 1.4.6
June 29, 2016

Chinese Investors Look to Tamana InTech Park for Investments

Senator, The Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry delivered the key note address where she stated “His Excellency Huang Xingyuan, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China expressed his commitment and China’s willingness to assist Trinidad and Tobago in the areas of agriculture, financial services and tourism as part of increasing investments in the country.
December 10, 2015

e TecK assists Cumuto Presbyterian’s 114th Christmas Tradition

“When a gift is received!” Those words were bellowed from a pupil of the Cumuto Presbyterian School in response to Principal Helen Lakhiram’s Christmas Bible Story question: “What brings joy deep within your heart?” On Thursday 10th December, 2015, Evolving TecKnologies and Enterprise Development (e TecK) ensured that the joy of Christmas was felt in every student’s heart by donating toys to the school’s 114th Annual Christmas Treat.
July 9, 2014

e TecK undertakes Park Management Reform

Evolving Tecknologies and Enterprise Development Company Limited has refocused its mandate to reflect a new energetic, visionary role in the development of the modern economic zones (EZs) in Trinidad and Tobago. Our legacy spans over 11 years in industrial park development and management, of which we are proud...
June 18, 2014

e TecK providing Space for Growth

Evolving Tecknologies and Enterprise Development Company Limited has refocused its mandate to reflect a new energetic, visionary role in the development of the modern economic zones (EZs) in Trinidad and Tobago. Our legacy spans over 11 years in industrial park development and management, of which we are proud...
June 18, 2014

Managing Hotel Assets: Achieving the 4-Star Standard

e-Teck has a long-standing record as a property management and infrastructure development power-house. The refurbishment of the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre and transformation of the Hilton Tobago to the critically acclaimed Magdalena Grand Beach and Golf Resort have maintained and sustained the economic viability of these 4-star hotels as modern, commercially viable spaces.
June 18, 2014

The new addressing standard is developed by the Universal Postal Union. Within this standard and will improve TTPost’s mail delivery by improving the quality of addresses nationwide, through the assignment of building numbers in a logical and sequential manner.
January 20, 2012

Investment Opportunities between T&T and India

InvesTT Limited, the nation's first-line investment promotion agency, hosted a business luncheon titled “Growth Opportunities between Trinidad & Tobago and India” on Tuesday 31st January, 2012 at the National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA), with the aim of sharing investment opportunities for partnerships, trade and export with India as a result of the Prime Minister’s Sate visit to India earlier this month (January 4-17,2012).
January 16, 2012

Trinidad & Tobago and India: The New Frontier

On a State visit to India from January 2nd-14th 2012, Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is heading a party of 60 persons comprising State officials and leaders of State-owned enterprises to participate in bi-lateral discussions with the Government of India on issues of trade and business, economic growth, tertiary education, job creation, competitiveness and innovation, greater productivity and increased global trade.
September 1, 2011

Adache Group Architects joins Magdalena’s Renovation Team

Adache Group Architects was introduced to the construction and renovation project of Magdalena Grand Beach Resort in August 2011. e TecK currently oversees the construction and renovation of the hotel and new operator, efm Hospitality, will be focusing on the operations of the hotel. Adache will be providing Interior Design and Architectural assistance to the renovation team.
February 1, 2011

e TecK finds common ground with Tobago Tourism Stakeholders

e TecK launched its first in a series of stakeholders meetings designed to share with key stakeholders in the Tourism and Hospitality sector of Tobago, Government’s proposed strategy for engagement of an investor/operator for the VHL Tobago Hotel and Spa.
September 6, 2010

Trinidad & Tobago Knowledge-based economy – Part 1

Trinidad and Tobago has flourished under the nurturing arm of oil and gas production for the last century. But it must outgrow its dependence on these natural resources due to changes in the global economy. New technologies allow oil to be extracted from shale, ‘tight' sands and coal formations. Consumers and environmentalist lobby policy makers, with progressively greater success, to find and use more environmentally friendly sources of energy. With the demand for Trinidad and Tobago's oil and gas potentially on the decline, aggressive strategies are needed to safeguard this country's economic future. Many have repeatedly called on Trinidad and Tobago to move away from its reliance on a commodity-based economy and invest in developing a knowledge-based economy (KBE). Others contend, however, that it is not one or the other, but a mixture of both that is required.
April 6, 2010

The Caribbean’s First-Class Tier III Data Centre is coming to T&T

Global companies, no matter the industry, are becoming more focused on data to drive their business. This operating approach, combined with the increase in amount of actual data being generated worldwide has created a greater demand for support services – from data management to storage. And research has shown that there is a growing trend among multinational companies to look beyond their home market for more efficient IT solutions. However, because information technology is the backbone of any business, from large technology giants like Google to smaller start-ups, these offshore sites must be of high quality and reliability. The data needs to be seamlessly accessible and safe.